4 How to care for dull and oily face

How to treat facial dull - dull face are often experienced by people - people whose skin looks oily. Dull could give the sense that our skin is not healthy. Look at the child's skin - baby who has brighter and not greasy. They have healthier skin than adults. At the same age there are people who have often dull and oily face and those that are fresh without oil.

Oil face

What causes the face to become dull and greasy?
- Misunderstanding the use of cosmetics, cosmetic is vital to the health of your skin. One in choosing cosmetics can cause skin to become dull and greasy easily
- There was a change of seasons. Try to consider rainy season skin becomes softer and brighter, while during the summer is usually easier to dry skin, more oily due to the high temperatures.
- Effects of drugs - drugs, people are often ill usually regularly consume drugs - drugs from the doctor, normally the result will face more oily than before.
- Gen-derived, what is owned by our parents either nature - the nature and form of the body are usually passed on from parent to child - her son. Including specific disease problems are often passed down from parent to child - her son. If our parents have oily skin then you can also potentially exposed to oily skin.
- One of the products is also a potential use in making the skin becomes dull and greasy. Be - careful in choosing the right product for the skin.
- People who are stressed are more likely exposed to oily skin because of the hormones produced during stress can increase and result in oily skin.
- Hormonal changes in women at puberty usually a woman may experience an increase in hormones; therefore women are more prone to oily face when she was menstruating.
Well how do I care for oily face?
1. Using a banana mask
Bananas contain vitamin A, B and E are beneficial for treating oily. Take a couple of ripe bananas and blend until very smooth. Use the mixture to spread on your face, Let it stand for a few minutes until dry and then rinse with water.
2. Using apple.
The content of apples is very good for your skin to look younger and fresher, because apples contain elastin, collagen and antioxidants. Puree apples use blender and a little water. Apply on areas of your skin, let sit and then rinse. Routine use can make your skin brighter and younger.
3. Using a mask of papaya
Pick and wash fruits especially papaya removes residual sap on the skin. Papaya fruit contains papain that can eliminate cells - skin cells die quickly. Puree ripe papaya fruit and use for the mask on your face.
4. Using a mask of mangoes
Mangoes in addition to good taste in consumption was also good for the health of your skin as it contains Vitamin A and antioxidants, essential vitamins such good content separately to prevent premature aging and skin tightening. Take it and use it as a mask fruit the same way as mentioned above.
That's 4 simple ways treat the face dull and often oily. Hopefully this article can help you solve one of these skin problems. Good luck!

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